
Best sentence: As we’re seeing across the federal government right now, lying and incompetence don’t necessarily pose the barriers they once did.

Let that sink in.

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It is crazy that the sudden political upheaval being created by the new administration is causing a formerly non political person like me to follow political news daily. So much that seemed impossible or outlandish is becoming more plausible by the day.

And this WY news? Well, after the Cody Roberts fiasco and how poorly the state government has responded to that (FYI: running over predators with snowmobiles is still fully legal in "The Cowboy State." In fact, WY is becoming THE state to relocate to for pervs who want to commit extreme animal cruelty with zero legal repercussions), this info presented by Wes is outrageous and sadly believable.

Perhaps sooner than later "The Pendulum" will start swinging back against such toxic thinking.

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If this were to come to pass it would be heartbreaking, cruel and breathtakingly shortsighted.

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Grand Teton would not sell for 145k per acre. This whole idea that there is even a market for these properties is misguided.

Let's just assume that Grand Teton National Park does get sold off. What is the actual use? Who is going to pay for it? The highest and best use (technical term) is as a cattle ranch. So, we need to look at what recent cattle ranches in the area sold for.

The Diamond G Ranch sold in 2023. The asking price was $71 million for 5056 acres. Assuming that the ranch sold for the $71 million ask, which is unlikely, the per acre cost was $14,042 per acre.

In contrast, the N Bar Ranch in Montana sold. The asking price was $45,000,0000 for 51k acres. That is $875 per acre.

So, we probably have a low and high price for Grand Teton National Park. To get to a final answer of what it is worth, we should find several other examples and average them out.

For purposes of argument, let's assume that Grand Teton is worth $14,042 per acre. That implies a total value of $4.3 billion dollars.

Remember, this is before everything else that was federal, like the national forest, goes on the market as well.

So, let's say that you think someone could build a new ski resort on Grand Teton. Sure! What is it worth, then?

Jackson Hole recently sold, but we don't know how much for. Vail Resorts has a market cap of $6 billion and owns 42 resorts, which averages out to $142 million per resort. Let's assume that Vail itself is worth three times the average or $426 million. Jackson Hole would have a similar value. Is Grand Teton worth the same as Jackson Hole as a ski area? No, it is worth less because you have to build the ski area. If we sold Grand Teton off for 10 ski resorts, we are looking at a lower value than as a cattle ranch.

So, yeah, selling off Wyoming is not nearly as valuable as they think.

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He’ll no

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