I should probably acknowledge the privilege that's evident here. Throughout my seven year career as a bum fighter in LA, the police never once failed to call me sir, or treat me deferentially. It's virtually certain that would have not been the case for a person of color.

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Hi Wes,

I'm late to this party, but it appears that further review indicated that it was pepper spray, not bear spray that was used:


However, I think it's more likely than not, that Brian Sicknick's stroke was due primarily to being sprayed with pepper spray.

Pepper spray was the apparent cause of a stroke in officer Sherri Timmons of West Virginia, who was sprayed with pepper spray as part of training, and suffered a stroke several hours later (she lived).


A pepper spray attack on a woman named Kun Min Kim in California apparently caused her death by stroke several hours later:


Note: I'm not a doctor. But I think the Medical Examiner got it wrong when he decided that Brian Sicknick's death was from "natural causes", and that the stroke was not precipitated by the pepper spray attack on Brian Sicknick.

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Wes. You're the GOAT. Can't wait to read the memoir <3

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It'd be out of the realms of possibility here in Australia that this would go down this way. We pretty much can't own a handgun and you certainly can't get bear spray (pepper spray itself is illegal in all but one state).

The fact the cops were more concerned about you using bear spray rather than shooting the guys says a LOT.

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Interesting read, Wes. Thanks for sharing your story; it shines a new (another?) light on what went down on Jan. 6.

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Good write up. Bear spray had been default but I'll have to consider modifying. Do you have any other non-lethal recommendations besides a baseball bat? A bat requires you to be in somewhat of a close proximity (24-30 inches) to the perpetrator and accuracy can be difficult in the dark.

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Kimber Pepper Blaster 2. Buy a few, so you can practice, and make sure they're red, so a cop never mistakes one for a gun. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B078V4SRCK/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fabc_G4D9BRRSCBZ4N67R4WX1

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Don't worry about your bear spray, a one time (even large) dose isn't going to kill anyone - UNLESS they are a severe asthmatic or have a considerable respiratory condition. that is kind of obvious though.

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Not necessarily true. Some have had first time seizures or strokes. The lady I read about had a stroke and died.

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Thanks for sharing Wes, it’s an interesting topic you never hear about. When it comes to “mortal combat” there are only bad options it seems. I have never needed to use it, but my active home defense depends on bear spray as well. For the reasons mentioned like knock down power, reach, ease of aim. Basically a non-lethal shotgun, which I consciously prefer over shooting or stabbing someone to death. High probability that if someone ever breaks in they are to take home at best a 4 year old tv that retailed for 400 bucks back in the day. But if they would come upstairs they get the bear treatment to neutralize the treat to the fam but at least get to live another day. That’s my choice but to each their own.

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I strongly discourage anyone from using bear spray for self defense. It's only an "area weapon" in the sense that the only guaranteed outcome is that it will fuck you up. It is not effective at stopping a determined attacker. Buy a baseball bat.

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Great story, Wes.

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