I’ve known in my soul this was coming. It is the highest crime against Nature and the American people to sell our most precious and wondrous national lands, mountains, rivers, ecology. We must bring all our strength to prevent these thieves from their aims.
I have no doubt that a big deal will be made of attempts, and some will probably happen. That said, there are major roadblocks to this.
1. Checkerboarding- The mixture of blocks of public and private lands across the west, primarily along the most valuable roads and railways. Even if you buy a full section of BLM land, you need access to it. Your neighbors may not allow that. Land with no access is practically worthless.
2. Most of the valuable land has already been taken. This includes water sources and build able parcels. Homesteaders squatted on the lakes, ponds, and springs in the 1850s. There is no point in owning chunks of desert without water. No one wants to own the top of some random mountain for no reason. There is way less usable land out there than you think.
3. Most of the potential buyers already get a good deal. Grazing leases and mineral leases are a better deal than actually owning the land for ranchers and mining companies. Plus, you would have to terminate those leases to sell the land.
4. The areas where public land really is valuable are few and far between. Could you sell off bits of national forest around Seattle or LA? Sure, but good luck getting those developed. You will most likely see "victories" in spots like Las Vegas and Grand Junction. Even there, most of the public land sales and trades happened long ago.
Is there value in, say, Lake Tahoe waterfront? Of course, but there is way less of Lake Tahoe to sell than Trump thinks, and the parts that are federal are federal for a reason, like they are steep and impossible to build on. Are you going to fill in the Everglades? That sounds obviously insane.
We will find this is the rule everywhere.
This has been tried before. It will fail. It will be tried again.
These are good points, but a couple things worth remembering:
- We don't need to see all public lands sold or even entire national parks lost to experience really devastating effects. Biodiversity, clean and and clean water are already hanging by a thread.
- Once we lose any public land we lose it forever.
- Checkerboarding: the private that fills in the other squares can already be sold, and will be worth more if the public can be deeded or leased or exploited.
- This isn't so much about achieving value as it is about fulfilling a religious destiny and "moral" victory.
Great piece, Wes. The selloff is coming for sure and based on reductions of existing rules (esp NEPA) things could get hairy fast. Thanks for shedding light on this.
Very tough times ahead I fear. We all need to be vigilant and prepare to obstruct this administration's goals regarding potential desecrations of OUR public lands in any manner possible.
I appreciate people like you sharing this news and doing your best to educate others. Over the last year, I’ve learned more about conservatism and the outdoors than I ever have. Seeing politicians and greedy capitalists trying to take over our land makes my blood boil.
So other than writing our politicians, who mostly won’t give a shit, what can we as American citizens do to stop such things? Or is it even possible anymore?
It is unbelievably frustrating and disheartening that we have to fight tooth and nail for resources that have been in place - and enjoyed by so many - for so long. Why is this even an option on the table? Two steps forward, 119 steps back for only a few people to benefit. A$$holes.
At a minimum of 1000, probably alot more has seen this. I don't normally act this rabidly. I am pushing it into academic environment/conservation circles too.
Plus I asked privately Robert Hubbell to include it in his nightly email tonite.
I’ve known in my soul this was coming. It is the highest crime against Nature and the American people to sell our most precious and wondrous national lands, mountains, rivers, ecology. We must bring all our strength to prevent these thieves from their aims.
Thanks for reporting on this. Time to be vigilant! Keep us apprised of what we can do to push back.
The darkness continues to creep along. Let's call it evil because there is no other accurate term.
Trump was mentored by Roy Cohn, the most 'evil' American to be alive in my lifetime. And I almost never use such terms.
Yes we will resist this as we are doing in so many capacities. And trying to keep focused on the love and joy, with some optimism.
Excellent reporting as always. The picture of what they’re trying to do is getting clearer.
I have no doubt that a big deal will be made of attempts, and some will probably happen. That said, there are major roadblocks to this.
1. Checkerboarding- The mixture of blocks of public and private lands across the west, primarily along the most valuable roads and railways. Even if you buy a full section of BLM land, you need access to it. Your neighbors may not allow that. Land with no access is practically worthless.
2. Most of the valuable land has already been taken. This includes water sources and build able parcels. Homesteaders squatted on the lakes, ponds, and springs in the 1850s. There is no point in owning chunks of desert without water. No one wants to own the top of some random mountain for no reason. There is way less usable land out there than you think.
3. Most of the potential buyers already get a good deal. Grazing leases and mineral leases are a better deal than actually owning the land for ranchers and mining companies. Plus, you would have to terminate those leases to sell the land.
4. The areas where public land really is valuable are few and far between. Could you sell off bits of national forest around Seattle or LA? Sure, but good luck getting those developed. You will most likely see "victories" in spots like Las Vegas and Grand Junction. Even there, most of the public land sales and trades happened long ago.
Is there value in, say, Lake Tahoe waterfront? Of course, but there is way less of Lake Tahoe to sell than Trump thinks, and the parts that are federal are federal for a reason, like they are steep and impossible to build on. Are you going to fill in the Everglades? That sounds obviously insane.
We will find this is the rule everywhere.
This has been tried before. It will fail. It will be tried again.
These are good points, but a couple things worth remembering:
- We don't need to see all public lands sold or even entire national parks lost to experience really devastating effects. Biodiversity, clean and and clean water are already hanging by a thread.
- Once we lose any public land we lose it forever.
- Checkerboarding: the private that fills in the other squares can already be sold, and will be worth more if the public can be deeded or leased or exploited.
- This isn't so much about achieving value as it is about fulfilling a religious destiny and "moral" victory.
Great piece, Wes. The selloff is coming for sure and based on reductions of existing rules (esp NEPA) things could get hairy fast. Thanks for shedding light on this.
Wes, thank you for all you do, especially this info. Here is a link to Outdoor Life's take on it
That's a great article. Always envious of what a good journalist Andrew is.
Thanks for sharing this. Excellent reporting.
Very tough times ahead I fear. We all need to be vigilant and prepare to obstruct this administration's goals regarding potential desecrations of OUR public lands in any manner possible.
I appreciate people like you sharing this news and doing your best to educate others. Over the last year, I’ve learned more about conservatism and the outdoors than I ever have. Seeing politicians and greedy capitalists trying to take over our land makes my blood boil.
So other than writing our politicians, who mostly won’t give a shit, what can we as American citizens do to stop such things? Or is it even possible anymore?
Keep up the great work.
Exactly my fear. Set ‘em for failure so then they can claim the need for privatization. Deplorable.
It is unbelievably frustrating and disheartening that we have to fight tooth and nail for resources that have been in place - and enjoyed by so many - for so long. Why is this even an option on the table? Two steps forward, 119 steps back for only a few people to benefit. A$$holes.
Stop this destruction
Everyone needs to read, or re-read, The Monkey Wrench Gang. This will help, and might have suggestions.
Of course they are.
Oh dude, it's on my to do list. So much happening at once!
That is truly insane. I will share this.
At a minimum of 1000, probably alot more has seen this. I don't normally act this rabidly. I am pushing it into academic environment/conservation circles too.
Plus I asked privately Robert Hubbell to include it in his nightly email tonite.